Float Related Clips
The Simpsons go floating
Homer and Lisa decide to visit a New Age store, where the owner convinces them to go on a spiritual journey by lying in a sensory deprivation tank for a prolonged amount of time
Nick & Brian
Nick & Brian from London Real visit Float Works on London Bridge to experience sensory deprivation in a float tank,
Nick Janicki
Nick Janicki travelled to London to try floating, he instantly wanted to open a float center named True Rest in Arizona.
Dr Tamara Russell
Tamara from London explains how she is interested in working with floating and people with psychological problems.
Bruce Lee
"Empty your mind, be formless, shapeless, like water. Now, you put water into a cup, it becomes the cup, you put water into a bottle, it becomes the bottle, you put it in a teapot, it becomes the teapot. Now, water can flow or it can crash! Be water, my friend."
Dr Roderick Borrie
Dr Roderick from New York explains why floatation is important and beneficial
My Fox
Girls Talk on Fox Phoenix explains how floating can help you get a good night sleep.
Dr Arnette Kjellgren
Dr Arnette from Sweden besed her dissertation on how to work with float tanks.
The History of float tanks
From the beginnings of American military research to the modern day use of float tanks.
Koan Float
From Amsterdam Koan Float introduce floating and there float center
Fox 9 News
Visists Rejoove Me floatation center and goes on a tour of the float centers facilities
TJ uses floating to get relief from sore muscles
TJ explains his feelings as a result of his floating experience
Screen Ocean
The feelings and benefits floating along with a practical instruction on how to float are covered.
Float Here
Introduces float tanks and explains how you can receive pain relief from spending time in a float tank
Samantha O'conner
For ITV news visits a Float center on her lunch hour and describes why you should float and the benefits of floating
Float Center Munchen
A short artistic look at floating
Brene Brown
This TED Talk looks at Expanding perception, shame and vulnerability, although not related directly to floating she articulates allot of shared beliefs amongst floaters.
Susan Cain
TED Talk on the the power if introverts
An exciting and inspirational look at what Awe is.
Reality is an illusion
Jeff Schmitt
Jefs amazing Ted Talk titled "The road to wellness" looks at why we are sick and goes on to describe his experience with the Sacoya tribe and his experience with Yage
Spirit Science
Harvest Moon Flotation
i-sopod Float tank installation
Johnny La Rue's Discount Deprive-O-Rama
A comical look at float tanks